Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How can I use blogging in my district

Our district has one large 3-5 school with around 500 students. The district also has two small rural schools, one has grades K-5 with about 50 students total, and the other one is 3-5 with about 100 students total. The first time that all the students are together in one school is when they are sixth graders. What I would like to do is to create a blog for the fifth grade students to discuss what they think sixth grade will be like, what they are afraid of, and what they are looking forward to. I would like to create links between the fifth grade students so that fifth grade students from the small schools will not feel isolated when they go to the middle school. I would also like to have them discuss what they are learning and doing in their individual classrooms. I guess the whole point is for students in the same grade in the same district to get to know each other and what it is like going to small schools versus a large school and hopefully lesson the fears they have about moving to the middle school. I would like to get the fifth grade and sixth grade teachers to comment on the blogs of the students. This would also get the students to know other fifth grade teachers and sixth grade teachers. I think it would be very good for the teachers to know what the students are thinking about as they move from one school to another.

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